Looking Back as We Look Forward
2021 year in review: Tamman team shines

December is a natural time for remembrance and reflection. There is something so wonderful about candlelight, the crisp December dark, and all those perfect holiday aromas that triggers an intense nostalgic feeling for me. It is during this month that I naturally want to take stock of where we’ve been, where we are and where we are headed.
Where We’ve Been
2021 marked the final year of a three year vision that Tamman put in place to become the digital accessibility agency we had been taking small steps towards for years. This vision defined our direction and provided a touchstone for resources and time. In doing so, Tamman was able to meet the expectations of this vision in almost every way.
Where We Are
Kierkegaard is to have said, “to dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily, not to dare is to lose oneself.” At Tamman, we decided to dare, and dare, and dare again throughout the year. We made many audacious goals throughout the year and so many of them have been achieved. Those that we fell short of will be reevaluated and tried again or discarded. As we close 2021, there is much to celebrate, but there were also areas that fell short of expectations too. Among our many achievements, we:
- Launched a new website
- Launched a new podcast with over 15 recordings released
- Expanded our monthly Lightning Groups
- Built out over 40 individual pieces of thought leadership content
- Meaningfully established a presence on social media platforms
- Launched a bi-monthly newsletter
- Completed major projects for clients from the small to the Fortune 500 and every size in between
- Established the Sierra-Tamman 360° Initiative
- Conducted multiple client trainings and lunch and learns to develop champions
- Corporate Employee Banking & Investments and so many more projects like SB Card, Home Loans, Investing Basics, and literally countless designs
- Continued to be master craftspeople delivering digitally accessible work with quality, confidence, capacity, and velocity, again and again for our clients, colleagues and ourselves, even in the face of some really challenging obstacles
Where We Are Headed
We are establishing a new three year vision for ourselves to build off of the success of focusing on digital accessibility, while also recognizing that what makes Tamman truly unique are the people of Tamman.
Over the next three years, Tamman will develop an innovative and comprehensive approach to develop an inclusive workforce pipeline of creative and technical professionals to support elite enterprise partners through a ‘team extension’ model that transforms teams from the inside out.
With an unrelenting focus on professional development, company culture, individual coaching and support, Tamman’s workforce will become inclusive force multipliers in every setting that we engage.
Committed to inclusion in all its forms, Tamman will maintain platforms for thought leadership in the realms of digital accessibility, leadership, and the dignity of work.
We are technical and creative professionals who are developing an unrivaled company culture by investing in our people and their growth. We create digital accessibility champions, and always put people at the center of all that we do to deliver innovative and world-class solutions for our partner clients. Well supported people, support people well.
As you reflect on your own year, may you find much to celebrate, some opportunities to build upon and a foundation for further growth for yourself and your work.
Marty Molloy, the President of Tamman, is a passionate leader dedicated to building inclusive teams and fostering a culture of growth. With a background in non-profit leadership and education, he is committed to leveraging technology to create positive impact and make the world more accessible and equitable for all.