
Vote for Tamman’s “AI” Panel at SXSW 2024

A blue and black slide detailing the digital accessibility panel at SXSW 2024 Conference, "The AI we should talk about is Accessibility & Inclusion". It is hosted by Tamman Inc. and O3 World.
Tamman & O3 World SXSW Digital Accessibility Panel

Tamman Inc. is partnering with fellow Philadelphia organization O3 World to inform and educate others at SXSW 2024 with our panel The AI we should talk about is Accessibility & Inclusion. Our panel will educate and inform the SXSW Conference about digital accessibility and inclusive technology while sharing actionable takeaways on how to improve their organizations, teams, and process. We need your help to get us there by voting for our panel on SXSW’s website. Community voting is a huge part of how a panel is selected for the conference. Voting is open from Tuesday, 8/8 – Monday, 8/21.

I’m Sold! Where Can I Vote?

Ready to vote for us on SXSW now? Vote on SXSW’s website by signing up for an account and voting for “The AI we should talk about is Accessibility & Inclusion”.

Want to Know More?

Want to learn more about our panel with O3 World? Check out our video just below.

Panel Description

In the early 2010s, creatives and technologists advocated for the vital need to take a ‘mobile first’ approach in web design and development. Now, to elevate brands, expand customer bases, and improve user experiences, the imperative to take a ‘digital accessibility first’ approach must be championed. It’s unmistakable that the world has a greater reliance on the web, apps, and online services. This demand means that equal access to information for all is more critical than ever before. Making a commitment to accessibility can feel daunting. Embracing it is liberating and good for business!

Panel Takeaways

  1. Gain an understanding of digital accessibility basics and why it matters so much to improving your user experience and expanding your customer base
  1. Learn simple & meaningful steps you can take now to accurately measure the accessibility health of your brand, website, app, & all your digital assets
  2. Focusing on digital accessibility challenges generates more creative ideas, drives innovation, and fosters a more adaptable & problem-solving culture

So, let’s vote for our SXSW 2024 panel The AI we should talk about is Accessibility & Inclusion with O3 World and make sure digital accessibility gets it’s time in the limelight!

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