Case Study

Creating Dynamic Digital Efficiency

Accessibility meets creativity. That’s us.

User with prosthetic left leg using laptop seated on the floor of a house on a sunny day

Delivering more for less and exceeding the expectations of the client is not easy to do. Tamman’s thoughtful, consultative approach asked the right questions at the right time to explore the full range of possibilities. Tamman created a more dynamic and easier to maintain website by offering solutions that the client didn’t know was possible.

The Challenge

Tamman was asked to create a new PDF design that could be easily maintained over time. The client was working with an Adobe Flash-based solution that embedded into a PDF to serve as a comparison tool for sales and account people to provide different product offerings. Our engineers saw a different opportunity that could be more dynamic, easier to maintain, accessible, and under budget.

The Solution

  • Consulting: Tamman consulting takes the time to understand what is essential and what is not. In this case, we asked the questions that challenged previous assumptions and began building around what is possible, not just what the original requirements asked for.
  • Information Hierarchy: Tamman conducted a thorough Information Hierarchy exercise with key stakeholders to evaluate the technical options and requirements. We took the time to understand the intricacies of what was really needed.
  • Dynamic and Real-time Information: Tamman proposed, then a built a dynamic website that provides salespeople with  the information they need as well as the calculations necessary to support their conversations with customers in real time

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Accessibility Solutions

Empowerment of others and working on the details matter to us. Let us help turn your great idea into something even greater. Take the next step and let’s chat!

The Result

Our team of engineers developed a fully streamlined user experience with only two clicks to any relevant information that allowed salespeople to easily get to the most important information they needed fast. We also ensured that the back-end was pulling the most updated information to remain current and relevant. Salespeople could now easily manage content in a spreadsheet and manipulate it in ways they needed. Beyond the technical, the team found meaningful, clearly understood experiences that are WCAG compliant benefiting employees and the customers. And just in case anyone is concerned about the time it takes to complete consulting or ensure digital accessibility compliance, Tamman delivered early and under budget.

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Case Study

Kickstarting Digital Accessibility

Tamman can help you take the first step towards digital accessibility.

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